CFSN: A Re-Introduction!

It’s been a while since we’ve stated our mission and our why. so we wanted to give everyone a refresher and a reminder about why we do what we do here at CFSN!

Our mission is to unite community and literacy to empower students in their journey of education. Our vision is to vitalize the community's relationship with literacy, thereby inspiring families to relate with literacy as a fundamental necessity and encourage parents to generate themselves as primary stakeholders engaged in their children's success.

Statistics reveal the staggering need for support with literacy proficiency in the communities we serve. Currently, the average reading proficiency score for DPSCD is 18%; the statewide average is 49%.

Our collaboratively rich programs ignite a unified passion for education that inspires students to thrive academically within safe spaces and intentional learning structures where students connect with dedicated mentors for guided, specified literacy interventions. We pave the way for community contribution towards children’s lifelong love of learning through reading.

Please don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to stay up-to-date on everything happening at CFSN!

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